Net Youth Team Meetings

Every second Thursday evening the Net Youth Team meets on Zoom or in-person to plan and organize events and projects.

Santa to a Senior Program

The Net Youth have completed their FIFTH annual Santa to a Senior Program! Thank you to our incredible volunteers and donors who made this possible!

Celebrating 5 Years

The Net is proud to have been a program at ACS since 2019! We have given over 5000 volunteer hours to over 120 youth.

Community Fridge Event

PAST EVENT: For our October volunteer project The Net will be filling a fridge at Community Fridges HamOnt. Come out to help us plan and learn more about the volunteer ran fridges.

The Net Annual Relaunch

PAST EVENT:Join us on August 9th to learn more about our program, and who we are! There will be food, games, giveaways, music, and more!

Farmer’s Market Trip

PAST EVENT: Join us for a trip to the local farmer’s market!

Pack a Backpack

PAST EVENT: Join us to pack backpacks for others in our community!

High School Prep Session

PAST EVENT: Feeling unprepared or nervous for high school? Join us for a prep session led by graduated seniors!

Culturally Appropriate Hygiene Kits

PAST EVENT: Join us to put together Culturally Appropriate Hygiene Kits using donations collected!

Venture Centre Visit

PAST EVENT: The Net is partnering with Good Shepherd to create a PA Day volunteer opportunity for youth.

Resume Workshop

PAST EVENT: We're hosting a workshop where youth can learn about developing their resume and cover letter.

Outdoor Games

PAST EVENT: This summer we're hosting outdoor games every month!

RBC x The Net

PAST EVENT: Join us for a free financial literacy panel for youth with RBC! The upcoming panel takes place on June 7, 2022 on Zoom.

Green Venture Workshop

PAST EVENT: The Net has been creating new partnerships in support of the environment.


PAST EVENT: Join us to unwind, chat, and make origami paper cranes!


PAST EVENT: We partnered with Heron Creek Yoga and Fitness. Thanks to their wonderful instructors, we have been able to offer virtual and in-person events. No matter your fitness level, there's something for everyone!

Ancaster Creek Cleanup

PAST EVENT: The Net has teamed up with Rotary for an Ancaster Creek cleanup! Our youth enjoy creating opportunities for volunteering, giving back to their community while being active outdoors.

Succulents For Seniors

PAST EVENT: Help decorate clay pots with paint that will then be used to plant succulents which will be given out to local seniors.